Friday, August 11, 2006

Yes it is Ugly

War War War War ad infinitum. That is all we are hearing about.
I would like to draw you to Bobbys Blog where an intelligent debate is going on regarding the goings on in the middle east. I have not got involved as I do not want to get drawn to any one side but I have read with interest what is being written. I urge you to read the comments especially.

As for this airport business..... can somebody please explain to me why....if the security services had been keeping tabs on these "cells" had the authorities not subtly upgraded security at the airports over a period of time. It seems that they knew something was going on so why make a huge song and dance about it all of a sudden.....I will tell you why. To scare people.....just like they have done to the american public, they are trying to do the same here. The anti war lobby is growing and the case for war is being broken down. Events like this help scare people back into submission and acceptance of this sickeneing war for power and oil. Let us not be deluded. Agreed, Israel has a different agenda and that is of self preservation and they know they are wrong they know it, to take so many innocent lives. BUT....... when it comes down to it they don't have much land and they are protecting their own. I know they cannot stand the fact that they have to kill loads of innocents. I am already starting to vere off sorry.

The powers that be must really think that we the public are stupid. I am so happy to have moved to India to be away from all this rubbish. While I am in the UK I will have to put up with it.

I miss my babies.

Peace and Love


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